Thursday, April 21, 2005

And Life Goes Colorado Again

Mood: Bemused  

Well! After a flurry of panicked calls back and forth, I arrived in Colorado last Thursday for my mother's deathbed scene to find that she not only survived her middle of the night emergency surgery for necretized bowel, but was looking quite likely to recover! Needless to say, it was quite a relief. And recover she did-coming home today, 9 days after surgery, to the amazement of the doctors. She is a tough old bird, and I love her dearly.  

I, however, have had my own little problem. Last Friday, after looking at rehab centers  all day with my father(which my mom did not need after all) I came back to the house, exhausted and winded. My sister Catherine, in from from Michigan, and father were ready to take off to the hospital for a visit, when I began to feel more than winded-more like breathless, then unable to breath well at all, with chest pain, and I had to admit I was dealing with more than a change in altitude. So, because I practice what I preach, I called 911. 

 Fire engines, paramedics, rescue trucks, for the second time that week(Mom had called on Monday), neighbors agog on the sidewalk, my father fuming because the ambulance was blocking the driveway, and he wanted to leave-he has a bit of a one track mind-and the inevitable ambulance ride to the same hospital in which my mom was residing! The paramedic only had to stick me 3 times to get a line started, but the last time he dug around for 3.5 minutes before he got a vein. I have terrible veins, and I timed him. 

 Much ado about my complex medical history, a temp of 102, a battery of preliminary testing, and I was admitted, to the same floor as my  mother! I sent her an apology for not visiting, via Catherine. Two days of testing came back fine, and antibiotics cleared up the infection- very mild cellulitis on my right leg-and I staggered home to my parents Tuesday, terribly bruised from all the blooddraws, now tethered to an oxygen machine, which I must use while I'm here.But alive and well and still plugging onward.  Lots of help I have turned out to be!  

 It is actually much better than last year, when she was so very ill, and I was unable to travel at all because of my arm surgery and the problems which followed. I will be some help now she's home-I am great at  calming people down during and after crises-and can do a bit around the house. Not much, however, because I still get winded when I exert too much. I'll write more soon, I hope.  

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  

Many Blessings, Margo


Anonymous said...

My, My, My.....what a story. Please take care of yourself Margo and thank you so much for letting us know what is happening in your life. You are in my prayers. Anne

Anonymous said...

Gracious Margo!  So glad you are doing better now!
Take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

Good golly! You have had quite the week! Glad everyone is doing a bit better now. Take care of yourself!

Anonymous said...

Take care of yourself!!
i know a man that lives in CO that uses oxygen there. When he comes to GA he does not need it.

Anonymous said...

(((((((margo))))))) i am thinking of you and hugging you... you do not know what you have done for me... and my piece of mind... i believe i may have come to a decision , but must wait until i am back in michigan near my family/sister to carry it through....  i love youand you are ALL in my thoughts and prayers, today, tomorrow and yesterday....
love and blessings,

Anonymous said...

Oh my.  Cellulitis even if it is mild is nothing to play with.  Glad you got the jump on it and knocked it out.

Anonymous said...

Boy have you had a full plate.  Cellulitis and I are very familiar.  The leg that was most damaged with the polio seems to attract it every other year or so.  It can be very threatening.  Take very good care of yourself.  Happy to hear that your mother has recovered enough to come home.  It's sooo nice to hear your voice again.  Pennie    

Anonymous said...

Glad your Mum is doing so well, glad you are over your illness. I can imagine the neighbours with all that going on.  Sending good thoughts your way as always

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you and your mom are all right. judi

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are okay!  It sounds like quite an ordeal!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are okay!  It sounds like quite an ordeal!